Monday, 7:30 in the morning. I turned on my computer and decided to kick some ass. Instead of kicking someone's ass, I detoured and went to morocc thinking there might be a boss. And went inside morocc pyramid. I saw Pharaoh waiting to be pawned and went back to kafra to get some supplies. I rushed in back and searched for Pharaoh again. I pm'ed some of my friends especially the High Priests because I know I was only 78. But, to my surprise I killed Pharaoh myself (haha). No rare loots were dropped though.
Brick by Brick
My real name is Princeton Tuban Yap. I already blowed 19 candles. I'm currently located here in the Philippines, specifically at Mactan Country Homes, Babag Timpolok Lapu-Lapu City. My secret lair is located at La Aldea Buena Mactan Block 29 Lot 12, with the same details as of the first address. I finished my elementary years at Mandaue Christian School, my highschool years at Indiana Aerospace University and currently studying at the University of Sancarlos Technological Center. I'm taking up BS Computer Engineering and I fix computers as a sideline hehe.