Thursday of August 16, 2007. I logged in and thought of challenging other strong whitesmiths to get ready for the tourney this August 18 (Saturday). I had this pub with the title 'N>Whitesmith 1 on 1. Laro lang' and surprisingly caught Battlesmiths attention. He asked me what were my rules and told him anything except his famous 'Alice Doll with the Orc Hero Card' headgear and he agreed. After setting up our equips and pots, we rushed to the pvp room 91~ at morocc. We asked a Lord Knight to count for us and there we go. He smashed his cart at me while I was pressing 'D' on my keyboard because I was in battle mode. While pressing my pots key, I switched axes to curse and for the finale, frosted him. It was fun and I was happy. XD
Brick by Brick
My real name is Princeton Tuban Yap. I already blowed 19 candles. I'm currently located here in the Philippines, specifically at Mactan Country Homes, Babag Timpolok Lapu-Lapu City. My secret lair is located at La Aldea Buena Mactan Block 29 Lot 12, with the same details as of the first address. I finished my elementary years at Mandaue Christian School, my highschool years at Indiana Aerospace University and currently studying at the University of Sancarlos Technological Center. I'm taking up BS Computer Engineering and I fix computers as a sideline hehe.